The time has come once again to select brave new student representatives for the administrative bodies that make decisions on degree programmes! HYY is looking for student representatives for the next two-year term, 1 January 2023–31 December 2024. Read more about the bodies below and apply for the positions!
WHAT: HYY is looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic student representatives who are all about advocacy work for the steering groups of degree programmes. In the position, you will get to prepare the curriculum of your degree programme as well as make decisions on teaching practices.
WHO FOR: Any student who is registered for attendance and has a justified connection to the degree programme may act in its steering group.
HOW: Submit your application in the Halloped application system.
WHEN: The call for applications is open 19 September–16 October 2022.
WHY: To influence matters, learn new things and get credits!
Read more information below the picture and on HYY’s website!

The steering groups of degree programmes
Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has a steering group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the central issues related to the degree programme’s operation. The steering groups prepare the degree programme’s curriculum. The curriculum is made for three years at a time, and it determines the following matters:
· What study units are included in the degrees
· What kind of completion methods are offered on study units
· What kind of an attendance requirements courses have
· What kind of learning objectives study units have
The steering group of the degree programme decides on the degree programme’s annual teaching schedule. The teaching schedule is a kind of implementation plan for the curriculum. It determines the following matters related to courses:
· Timing
· Schedule
· Teaching locations
In other words, the teaching schedule includes all the extremely important details students need to know about courses for the entire academic year. As a member of the steering group, you will thus get to influence all the things that are realised in the teaching provided by your degree programme. This is a real chance to influence matters on a practical level!
There are only two actual requirements: you must be registered for attendance at the University of Helsinki and you must have a justified connection to the degree programme whose steering group you are applying for. You do not need to have previous experience of working in administration, although it is naturally considered an advantage. Being highly motivated and wanting to promote students’ interests is the most important thing! Contacts with the subject organisations of your own faculty are also considered advantages. The steering groups generally work in Finnish, but it is possible to agree on using other languages in the bodies themselves.
Apply by 11.59 pm on 16 October through the Halloped application system. HYY is looking for two actual and two vice members for each steering group. HYY assumes that you are available for the positions of both actual and vice member.
Interviews may be organised for the applicants if the selection committee processing the applications decides so. This is not absolutely certain before the committees begin their work, but preparing for it is recommended. Nonetheless, include all information you want the selection committees to know in your application! The schedule for the potential interviews is available in the Halloped application system, under each position that can be applied for.
Write a short application and mention your current major or degree programme and study orientation as well as your student number in it. (The student number is only used to verify your faculty and attendance status. The information will be deleted after it has been verified. The Student Union also considers the following as advantages:
– Motivation towards serving in the position and readiness to commit to the duties
– Understanding of current issues and challenges in the degree programme in question and ideas for developing the programme
– Connections to the students of the degree programme in question and readiness to communicate to them about the work of the steering group
– Previous experience of acting as a student representative in administration, as a person in charge of academic affairs or in some other position related to student advocacy work
Further information and your faculty’s application instructions are available in the Halloped system. Are you wondering about something specific related to being a student representative? Check out the frequently asked questions on HYY’s website! Further information on the positions and application process is also given by
Selection Coordinator Timo Kalliokoski, tel. 050 477 5561,
Specialist in Educational Policy Marianna Suokas, tel. 050 325 5202,