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After arriving

ORIENTATION PERIOD (=orientoiva jakso)

Orientation period is arranged to help new students get their things done. During the orientation period, you will have a tutor guiding you and your group through the week. Always ask your tutor for the more detailed schedule of your Orientation period. Here’s the summary of the period. You will get all of your paper work done during the orientation period, also you’re able to get a travel card, order a student card, get to know the important places, get to know PEOPLE and you will have fun at the same time!

REGISTERING TO COURSES (=kursseille rekisteröityminen)

You will get your personal IT-account once you have arrived here. The enrolment to the courses will be happening through the WebOodi system. More info from your tutor. You can also try to contact to the professor of some specific course through e-mail, if the registration time of a course has already ended or if you’re not sure whether you’re able to join the course. All the courses you’re taking here in UH should be in your Learning Agreement. In the problems all kinds: contact first. Some info here as well.

COMPUTING ACCOUNTS (=tietokonetunnukset)

You will receive your own personal IT-account during the Orientation period. If you face some problems, check this page.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT (=julkinen liikenne)

Helsinki Region Transport (HRT, or HSL in Finnish) is an excellent public transport system! As a student, you’re able to get a 50% discount. You will get your own travel card during the Orientation period. Prices, time tables, journey planner and much more, checkhere.

STUDENT SERVICES (=opiskelijaneuvonta)

Opening hours and address over here.

STUDY OFFICE OF VIIKKI (=Viikin kanslia)

International affairs officer Virve Kahri
phone: +358 (0)2941 57567, e-mail:

Also check this.

LIBRARIES (=kirjastot)

Viikki science library is located in the info center Korona (Viikinkaari 11, the blue building). The opening times of the libraries and addresses of other libraries, check here.


These programs are here to help you with the studies. The registration to courses, grades, credits and so on will be seen in WebOodi.Flamma is a virtual desktop, which can be customized suitable for you. Webmail is an e-mail working with your UH IT-account. Moodle is a place where you can get the slides from you courses’ lessons, keep in touch with the other members of the course and give/get feedback of the course. All of these are introduced you at the beginning of your studies.