Autumn and orientation week are approaching and by swiping left you can see all the events Biosfääri (the student association of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences) organizes during the orientation week!
More useful information can be found on Facebook:
- Bio- ja ympäristötieteellisen tiedekunnan fuksit ja tuutorit 2022 group
- Pre-orientoiva päivä Suomenlinnassa, jatkot Mascotissa! event
- Biosfäärin orientoiva viikko / Orientation week event
You can also find all of our member associations on social media:
- Helix ry (the student association of biochemistry, microbiology and cell and molecular biology students) @helix_ry
- MYY ry (the student association of environmental science students) @myy.ry
- Svenska Naturvetarklubben rf (SvNK) (the student association of Swedish-speaking biology students) @svnk.rf
- Symbioosi ry (the student association of biology students) @symbioosiry
See you soon!